
Since 2015, the company Agromarket has in its portfolio and recommends the use of Talocuper (LIDA PLANT RESEARCH) to agricultural producers.

For these 6 years, this fungicide has managed to take a significant place in the protection programs of farmers who know how to recognize a quality product, whether it is conventional, integral or organic production.

Protection of peppers and pears and quince

The expert service of Agromarket, in coordination with Lida Plant Research associates, listened to the reactions of farmers in the first year of positioning of fungicides and bactericides Talocuper and after both the results of experiments and production experience, determined that the right place for this preparation is in protection of peppers and pears and quince.

In the pepper crop, protection against the dominant problem, the causative agent of bacterial spot Xanthomonas campestris, and in pear and quince plantations as an excellent solution in the prevention and control of the causative agent of bacterial fire blight Erwinia amylovora. With its quality and characteristics, as well as reliability, Talocuper has become irreplaceable for those farmers who know that the success of protection measures is only in combining different active substances and relying on well-tested copper, which has found its place in the protection of cultivated plants for more than 3 centuries. At the same time, due to its mechanism of action, spectrum of action and a wide number of crops and plantations in which it can be used, copper, ie the preparation Talocuper is recommended for use in the following decades and centuries.

So, Talocuper as a reliable support for farmers who know how to manage their production.

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